To join the lottery please sign up here

The Stan Bowley Trust Lottery was established to raise essential funds. These funds help cover the charity’s operating costs, ensuring that the money raised at our events can be directed towards CyberKnife treatments.
Participation in the lottery costs a minimum of £2 per month, payable by direct debit. Each month, 30% of the total takings go to the first-place winner, 15% to the second-place winner, and 5% to the third-place winner, with the charity retaining the remaining 50%. The draw takes place at the beginning of each month, and the results are published on our website. The lottery is registered with Lichfield District Council.
While you might not win a life-changing amount, your entry will contribute to saving lives. Thank you for your support!

Please set up a direct debit to the following account

Bank: Unity Trust

Name: The Stan Bowley Trust

Account: 20215451

Sort Code: 60 83 01

Separate email addresses with a comma.

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