
My name is Howard and I am now 55 years old (2011). In 2005 after a period of hospital tests, I was diagnosed with bowel cancer. 

Prior to surgery to remove the tumour I had radiotherapy treatment to shrink the tumour and after the surgery, I had chemotherapy to mop up any escaping cancer cells. 
Early 2008 was a period of several tests; CT scan, MR scan, colonoscopy, and finally a PET scan which revealed a smallish tumour "hiding" in the pelvic area. The tumour was not in any vital organs but at this stage was deemed too large to remove because of its close proximity to important nerves & blood vessels. 

 I commenced chemotherapy in July 2008, and the tumour shrunk considerably, but surgery was still not offered.

I found myself in limbo, then by chance read an article in a discarded newspaper at Christie's Hospital while waiting for Chemotherapy that documented Alan Bowley's experiences with CyberKnife in the USA. 

 Following discussions with Alan & Jan, I approached the Oscar Lambret Centre in Lille, and they agreed to offer me CyberKnife treatment and fortunately for me, the NHS agreed to pay for it.
 The treatment took place in Lille spread over several days, each treatment is approximately 80 minutes of painless laser treatment. 

To date, subsequent CT and MR scans and blood tests indicate that the tumour whilst still there is in a stable condition and is no longer growing, hopefully, this state will continue until the cancerous cells eventually wither and die away. Currently, I feel reasonably well though I do suffer stamina problems & post-chemotherapy peripheral nerve damage that affects the use of both hands & feet.
